Computers in Engineering
- Course
- C++
- Data Structures
(All of my repos while at The University of Iowa are located in my College Github Account "Feauv")
This was my first college course that dove into the more complex topics of programming. In a way you could say that my classes up to this point were more about "coding"/pure problem solving rather than what true programming is, which is building more complete projects. It was my second course in C++ and I feel lucky to have learn so much C/C++ early in my development career, I have always had a soft spot for it because it lays a good base for a beginner.
This class had a heavy emphasis on Object Oriented Programming, and had a good mix of individual and group assignments. My favorite assignment of the course was the group project where we programmed a Pololu 3pi Robot to follow a black line. Following the line was the first hurdle, and from there we had to optimize our efficiency by having to navigate different terrains and handle changes in speed.